Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Last Post on Thai Camp!

Last 2days were a blur, I kept thinking about that Duncan Donuts commercial where the guy is working so hard to make the donuts he is basically on autopilot – “Its time to make the Donuts kept running through my brain!” Getting 5 hours of sleep started to take a toll on Zach, every break you could find him sleeping wherever he could lay down. On one occasion he feel asleep where one of the stations was and slept right thru the sounding of the bell. He didn’t wake up until everyone started training.

By the last day you could see a drastic improvement in Zach and Karl form. Karl said “Those 4 days was a whole year of Thai Boxing training!” It is true that if you ever wanted to accelerate any thing you do, train it for 4 days 14 hours a day and I am positive you will be better at it :)

For me the camp was the same as it has been every year prior awesome! I got to train, workout, learn some cool new techniques and hang out with friends and mentors. Every year it gets harder for me to make it. I hate leaving my life and putting everything on hold for a week but I am always glad after I do it. I know that Zach and Karl have their own views on what happened the past week so you will have to ask them. If I had to guess I bet they are filling their 2009 calendars – July 29- August 1 Thai Camp with Master Mike!

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